
Maestros are the brains behind PixelMaestro. They coordinate all other components including Sections, Shows, and CueControllers. Maestros also control global parameters such as the refresh rate and brightness level.

Creating a Maestro

When initializing a Maestro, pass in the number of Sections that you want to create and the dimensions you want to use when creating them. For example, this code createes a Maestro with two 16 x 32 Pixel Sections:

Maestro maestro(16, 32, 2);

Note that these Sections will be deleted when the Maestro is deleted.

You can also pass an array of Sections with different dimensions. This example assigns three Sections with different sizes:

int num_sections = 3;
Section sections[] = {
    Section(10, 20),
    Section(20, 30),
    Section(30, 40)
Maestro maestro(sections, num_sections);

You can also use Maestro::set_sections() to set or reset the Maestro’s Sections.

Updating the Maestro

Maestros are responsible for updating all other components. This is done through the Maestro::update() method.

The time between updates is determined by the Maestro’s refresh_interval, which defaults to 50 milliseconds (or 20 refreshes per second). This means that every 50ms, every single component under the Maestro’s control (Sections, Animations, Layers, Shows, etc.) runs through its update routine. Maestro::update() is non-blocking, meaning it will not prevent other tasks from running on the same thread.

The best way to call Maestro::update() is by running it in a continuous loop in your application. Pass in the program’s current runtime (in milliseconds). If the Maestro is due for an update, then update() returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.

if (maestro.update(runtime)) {
    // Run other methods here

If you want to bypass the runtime check and force an immediate update, add true as a parameter to Maestro::update().

// Force the Maestro to update
maestro.update(runtime, true);

Changing the Refresh Interval

The refresh interval is the amount of time (in milliseconds) between updates. This defaults to 50ms (or 20 updates per second). This interval is stored as a Timer. You can change the refresh interval using set_timer(interval) and get the current interval using get_timer().

Interacting with Sections

You can retrieve a Section using get_section(). Pass in the index of the desired Section. For more information, see the Section documentation.

Setting a Global Brightness Level

Use set_brightness() to set a global brightness level for all Sections. Global brightness changes each individual Section’s brightness by calling Section::set_brightness(). Brightness ranges from 0 (off) to 255 (full).

Creating a Show

Shows let you plan out actions that will execute at a later point in the Mastro’s runtime. For more information, see the Show documentation.

Synchronizing Components

Each component under a Maestro has one or more Timers that tell it when to update. Although unlikely, these Timers may fall out of sync over time due to poor performance or latency. You can use Maestro::sync() to set each Timer’s last run time to the same time. This ensures that going forward, each Timer starts from the same base time.