
Primary Components

  • Maestros are responsible for managing all other components. They also manage global options such as the refresh rate, pixel brightness, and event queue.

    • Cues are serialized PixelMaestro commands. Cues can be stored for later execution via a Show, saved to a file, or transmitted to another device.

    • Shows let you schedule events to run at a later point in the Maestro’s lifetime.

    • Sections manage individual Pixels and arrange them into grids. Sections also coordinate Animations and Canvases.

      • Animations render visual effects on a Section.

      • Canvases let you draw shapes, patterns, and custom animations onto a Section.

Secondary Components

  • Palettes store colors used to draw Animations, Canvases, and other color-based components.

    • Colors store individual colors as 24-bit RGB values (8 bits for red, green, and blue each). The Colors class also provides tools for generating custom colors and color palettes.

    • ColorPresets provide commonly used colors and color palettes.

  • Pixels store color values for individual LEDs. They also handle color changes and color blending caused by Animations. Pixels are managed by Sections.

  • Points identify specific locations on a Pixel grid. They’re also used to define the size of grids for Sections, Canvases, and other components.

  • Timers track time intervals for many PixelMaestro components such as Maestros, Animations, and Canvases. They determine when each component updates by comparing its update interval to the program’s current runtime.

  • The Utility class stores commonly used functions.