The Colors class provides methods for creating and managing colors. Colors are based on the RGB color model and are stored as 24-bit objects (8 bits dedicated to each color channel). Colors are defined by the Colors::RGB
Creating Colors¶
To create a color, set each of the three color channels to a value between 0 (off) and 255 (full). The following example creates a solid blue color by setting the blue channel to full (255) and the red and green channels to 0.
Colors::RGB blue = {0, 0, 255};
You can also create a completely random color by calling Colors::generate_random_color()
For color palettes, you can use the generate_scaling_color_array()
method. Pass the initial color, the target color, the array that you want to populate, and the number of colors, and it will automatically create a gradient of colors from the starting color to the target color. You can also use generate_random_color_array()
to create a completely random color set.
Mixing Colors¶
blends two colors together and returns the result. This is primarily used for Section Layers, but it can also be used on its own. You can use a variety of different color mixing options (as provided in the MixMode
Alpha: Blends the second color with the first color by the specified amount (0 - 255, where 0 is none and 255 is full).
Multiply: Multiplies the first color by the second.
Overlay: Returns the first color if the second color is black (black equals transparent).
You can also set, add, subtract, multiply, and divide Colors directly:
Colors::RGB red = {255, 0, 0};
Colors::RGB blue = {0, 0, 255};
Colors::RGB fuchsia = red + blue; // {255, 0, 255}
Sample Colors¶
PixelMaestro comes with several predefined colors. These include the primary colors (red, green, blue), as well as secondary and tertiary colors. These are available in the ColorPresets
There are also two sample color palettes:
contains a total of 12 primary, secondary, and tertiary colors.Rainbow
contains 7 colors following the ROYGBIV sequence.