Program Listing for File devicethreadcontroller.cpp

Return to documentation for file (src/controller/devicethreadcontroller.cpp)

#include <QByteArray>
#include "devicethreadcontroller.h"

namespace PixelMaestroStudio {
    DeviceThreadController::DeviceThreadController(DeviceController& device, const char *out, int size) : QThread(nullptr), device_(device) {
        this->output_.append(out, size);

    void DeviceThreadController::run() {
         * How this works:
         * When sending data to an Arduino, the Arduino might fail to process large chunks even at a low baud rate.
         * This tends to happen at the 64 byte mark.
         * As a workaround, we break up the output into 64 byte chunks and give the Arduino some time between chunks to catch up.

        emit progress_changed(0);

        int current_index = 0;
        int chunk_index = CHUNK_SIZE;

        do {
            if (current_index > 0) {

            QByteArray out_addr = output_.mid(current_index, chunk_index);

            if (current_index + chunk_index > output_.size()) {
                chunk_index = output_.size() - current_index;
            current_index += chunk_index;
            emit progress_changed((current_index / (float)output_.size()) * 100);
        while (current_index < output_.size());

        emit progress_changed(100);